
What is Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) ?

For certain people,  the source of back pain is the irritation associated with cartilage wear in the facet joints of the spine.  This wear and tear cause the nerves from that particular facet joint to excite,  and causes pain.  The typical pain is a back pain,  that localizes to the lower back,  and buttock,  or […]

Do You Need an Advocate?

The world of medicine has become increasingly more complicated over the last few years.  You used to go to your primary care physician and he or she would send you to a specialist if necessary. You then did what the specialist recommended.   Insurance has become more expensive, physician groups more competitive and the criteria  for […]

Can a Hurricane Blow out Your Back?

As a former Nova Scotia girl and now a Florida resident, I am used to storms. Anyone who chooses to live in Florida takes the chance of running into a few hurricanes and learns very quickly how to prepare for them. As a nurse in Florida, I have seen many injuries from hurricanes but it wasn’t from […]

Feel My Pain

We are a surgical orthopedic practice. Every day we see patients in pain. We ask them to  describe it; location, duration, sharp or dull, constant or intermittent, but we really have  no way of measuring someone else’s pain. The tools we use now are inadequate and the  information we get from them is misleading. Let’s […]

Is Your Job Ruining Your Workout?

We all know what we have to do. We spend so much of our time at our desks, on the computer, or in front of the television, our muscles can become weak and our bones, osteoporotic. We have to be more active but unfortunately our desk jobs are actually following us into the gym. Let’s […]

Before you have Spine Surgery

“Before you have Spine Surgery……..”  there should be a discussion on the risks, benefits, and alternatives. I see patients for surgery second opinions almost every day.  Naturally,  the patients are in pain, and often have some weakness.  But,  I am surprised on how many patients have not truly explored their alternatives.  So,  here is a […]