
Compulsory Medical Examination

Since I started my practice in 1993, I have also been performing examinations that are now known as Compulsory Medical Evaluations. To those who do not know, it is an examination arranged to evaluate a person with claims of injury from an accident. The causes are usually related to a work injury, a motor vehicle […]


The sacroiliac joint is the joint which connects the hip bone with the iliac bone on either side of the lumbar spine. When there is inflammation of this joint it is called Sacroiliitis. Pain is usually worse after staying in one position for any length of time. Moderate movement is actually helpful. Diseases that can […]

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Microdiscectomy Surgery

What exactly is Microdiscectomy?  In the simplest terms,  it means removal of disc material that is pinching a nerve,  using small incisions and with magnification.  In the United States,  there is an average of 300,000 discectomy type surgeries performed per year. For the vast majority of patients,  the reason for microdisectomy is PAIN,  despite treatments such […]

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Is Cervical (neck) Fusion Surgery Considered a Radical Solution?

Many people are both upset and frightened when their spine surgeon recommends a fusion as a solution to their neck problems. An anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), in the properly selected patient, has a very high success rate, with very satisfied patients. In our practice, patients who elect to have cervical fusion typically have […]

Brace Yourself

We see it all the time. The patient comes in to the office and peels off an old worn back brace. When asked why they are wearing it, they will have one of three reasons: they have a job with heavy lifting so they started wearing the brace at work and got into the habit […]

Are you being taken for an unhealthy ride?

Recently this article was produced on PBS News Hour and upset a lot of people (read comments). It also received some positive reviews, mostly from medical practitioners. After reading it, I have to say there is a general agreement among the physicians I have spoken to that much of this article is right on target. […]